Edibles: The Differences Might Surprise You

For centuries, smoking has remained the most common method of consuming cannabis. But edibles have taken over the mantle recently with their increasing popularity. Marijuana edibles have come a long way from just pot brownies. They have evolved into versatile varieties of infused foods like gummies, candies, chocolates, tea, cheese, bacon, juices, smoothies, and so much more. The world of cannabis-infused foods is increasing, and being a part of it is an enthralling and exciting feeling. 

However, the sudden shift of interest into edibles has left many users curious to understand the difference between inhaling and ingesting cannabis. Is one method superior to the other? Is there a difference in the potency or effects induced by them? Let us explore cannabis edibles further to understand how they are different.  


THC or tetrahydrocannabinol is responsible for the psychoactive effects caused by cannabis. When you smoke marijuana, the compound directly travels to the brain. The quick absorption almost instantly induces a high. But the trip only lasts for a short duration as the compound exits the system faster.

In the case of cannabis edibles, the absorption process is quite different. The infused THC enters the digestive system, where the compound gets metabolized into 11-hydroxy-THC in the liver. This resulting chemical is slightly more intense than the former and remains longer in the system. Hence the high created by edibles is long-lasting and more potent. 

Tip: As mentioned, ingestible takes longer than inhaled cannabis to induce a trip. Therefore, it is best to be patient while dosing through edibles to make sure you don’t overeat. The dosage might be too much for the body to handle, causing an uncomfortable feeling. 


Determining the right dosage of cannabis in homemade edibles can be notoriously challenging. When it comes to smoking, you might know how much substance you need to prepare a joint and how long the feeling will last. Also, smoking offers a controlled dosage. It is possible to stop after smoking half a joint if you feel like you have had enough. 

But determining the dosage of THC in homemade edibles is a tedious task. It requires many calculations and attention to detail to make sure you don’t overdose the batch. You need to consider several parameters while calculating the dosage, such as tolerance, experience, and precise estimation. 

Store-bought edibles are the best way to solve the dosage problem. Most infused products come with dosage indications on their labels that give a clear picture of how much to consume. It will help you enjoy the edible without having to stress about going overboard. 

Tip: The best way to pick the right dosage for your edible preparation at home is to start small. Be conservative and patient while preparing and eating edibles to ensure you have a safe and comfortable trip.  

Health Risks And Benefits

It is no secret that smoking can induce several respiratory ailments. There are several harmful chemicals that you inhale that can affect your overall health. 


Source: pixabay.com

Cannabis edibles are a much safer and efficient form of consuming the herb. It can reduce the chances of exposing your body to unknown chemical residues, making it a popular medicinal usage choice. These edibles can provide the perfect balance of nutrition and therapeutic benefits possible from cannabis. They can aid in pain management, anxiety and depression treatments, seizures control, weight management, and skincare. 

Flavors And Aroma

Taste and aroma are essential parameters of differentiation between edibles and smoking. Edibles offer creative liberty to experiment with cannabis to create culinary and confectionery masterpieces. The recipes’ flavorful ingredients elegantly mask the raw, earthy flavors and the pungent aroma of cannabis to give a delightful experience. 

But smoking is the right choice for those yearning to enjoy the subtle and intricate flavors of terpenes and the buds’ natural aroma. The process retains that earthy flavor profile of the herb. 


The recent legalization of cannabis across several states has enabled better access to good quality weed. As per applicable state laws, users can acquire cannabis legally from authorized dispensaries for medicinal or recreational purposes. 


Source: unsplash.com

But the laws that embody cannabis-infused edibles are still unclear. While several companies openly sell infused edibles, the legalities around infused foods and beverages are still grey. Meanwhile, you can purchase your favorite strains from the nearest dispensary and prepare edibles at home for consumption. 


Every new form of cannabis is an entirely new experience. The plant interacts differently with every individual. Therefore, if you are uncertain about the effects, start small. Make sure you are in a safe environment with a comfortable company. Handle the herb responsibly and be receptive to how your body reacts to it. Don't hesitate to stop if you begin to feel uncomfortable. Cannabis edibles can make your experience with the plant more fun, flavor-filled, and useful. Keep these points in mind while ingesting edibles to ensure you have an enjoyable experience.







FoodRoseedibles, food, gummies, cannabis